Another Certificate!
I'm very happy to have completed radiation today, earning myself a second certificate! Radiation was pretty breezy....until it wasn't. I started blistering this past week and it's been super painful. As much as I despised chemo, it really wasn't painful. This has been very much so, but should subside within the next 2 -3 weeks. Happy to have at least completed the daily burning stage! So this leaves me with two major therapies accomplished and two more to go, that I trust will both be a lot easier. I know my herceptin infusions are not bad, as I continue those until November. But in June I need to start endocrine therapy, which lasts for 5 years. This could throw me back into menopausal symptoms, which I am NOT looking forward to, as I left hot flashes in the rear view mirror almost a decade ago! Uff da! I asked Dr. Moore when I'll know if my surgeries and therapies have worked, and she said not until I've been cancer free for five years. So I've started...