12-31-23 Palingram NYE
Anyone else a New York Times Spelling Bee enthusiast? The amazing Jenn E (who survived typhus! this year), pointed out that today's date is a palingram , tres cool, and my bout with insomnia last night already has me with a perfect connections score, a solved wordle, and a π genius by 5:00 am. I do hit πΈπΌ π more often than not these days, with heavy reliance on hinters Steve G & Jenn E, but at a whopping 73 words today, genius may be good enough to cap off this bizarre year. Indeed, what a year it has been. From New Year's Day bringing on the tragic death of Jennifer, to New Year's Eve leaving me in the depths of chemotherapy, it's been a chaotic and unpredictable spin around the sun. We faced such stress following Jennifer’s death, endured that brutal winter, I've undergone countless medical interventions, and we had three family members make major moves, with Bev & Tony leaving Minnesota and Danny leaving California ~ all with ripple effects. Danny ...