Post Chemo Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

I've been learning the hard way that it takes awhile for your body to realize you're done with chemotherapy. Still dealing with feeling fatigued and very sluggish, especially since extreme edema has set in. Spent the first week post chemo going into Methodist almost every day for tests to make sure I didn't have blood clots or heart failure, all clear, and am now on a diuretic that really isn't doing the trick. My rash is still inflamed and my neuropathy is as bad as ever. Frustrating, when I thought I'd be feeling so much better by now, but as both Dr. Moore and my wonderful acupuncturist Matt have explained to me, chemo is cumulative and my immune system has been suppressed for 13 weeks. Plus I only have the one kidney. It takes time for everything to recalibrate and recover. 

Happy to say there have been bright spots aplenty. Brad is here for a visit and it's great to have his support close at hand. I had an amazing birthday with so much love and attention from everyone, especially a surprise front yard party that my boob crew threw, complete with a flamboyance of pink flamingos! I have a few weeks before radiation begins and trips planned while I have the chance to escape. And of course, this glorious early early spring, following the year of no winter, that is nothing short of a healing balm. Blessings are at hand and I am beyond grateful for each and every one. Just need to keep the faith that better days are ahead. 🙏 

In Interlude,


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